
  • Communities where Chinese is the primary language for posts.

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    Wei WangW


    时间 (time): 03/24/2023 (Sunday), 01:00PM – 4:00 PM 地点 (location): 安华中文学校 / Ann-Hua Chinese School, 3250 Plymouth Road #203, Ann Arbor, MI 48105

    详情请见【2024-03 visa service】以及以下附件:

    附件一:COVA签证在线填表注意事项 附件二:L、M、F字签证邀请函 附件三:S和Q签赴华探亲邀请信 附件四:where you stay 附件五:在美国出生的中国血统儿童赴华签证 附件六:annhuaform-202403 Checklist: 你需要提交给中国领馆的申请材料包括: 申请确认页和申请表: 申请表确认页,请将申请表确认页打印出。请在最后签名和注明日期。(需交原件) 申请表,请将申请表打印出,在“中华人民共和国签证申请表”第8页签名和注明日期。(需交原件) 未成年申请人可由父母代签,格式为: 申请人姓名/父或母签名 (父或母代签) 护照、过期的签证及其它证件: 申请人护照(原件)及护照首页的复印件。 如果你曾获得过中国签证/居留证,请提供最近一次签证/居留证的复印件 如果你此次使用新护照,旧护照上曾有过中国签证/居留证,请提供旧护照原件及其首页的复印件和最近一次签证签证页/居留证的复印件。 如果你曾拥有中国国籍,加人美国国籍后第一次申请中国签证,你还需提供入籍纸复印件一份,最后一本中国护照(原件)及其首页和延期页的复印件各两份。 如果是第三国公民,居住在美国,请提供在美国合法居留的许可证明复印件。 中国亲人的邀请信及邀请人身份证正反两面的复印件。每份申请各一份。如果你申请的是Q1签证,还请提供与邀请人亲属关系的证明。 请提供 Where you stay 表, 并提供你居住地址的文件, 比如驾照或生活账单等的复印件。未成年人申请者的“Where You Stay Form”由家长代签, 同时提供家长驾照或生活账单复印件。 如果你因故 (入藉,婚姻)而改名,新/旧护照或中/美护照上名字不一样,请提供法院的法院改名纸原件及复印件。 未成年人申请者,除以上文件外,根据以下情况还请提供更多的文件。 如果是第一次申请,还需提供出生证原件和1张复印件,父母美国护照原件和首页复印件或中国护照原件及首页复印件/美国绿卡原件和复印件。如果现在是美国公民,需要提供父母的入籍纸的复印件。 如果不是第一次申请,请提供父母美国护照首页复印件或中国护照首页和绿卡复印件。


  • Announcements regarding our community

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    今天安装了nodebb-plugin-embed 这个插件。


    Coub Twitch (video and channel) Vimeo Vine Youtube (short and normal URL) Framatube Blender PeerTube Dailymotion Soundcloud Mixcloud Spotify

    详细的使用说明在 NodeBB Community 里。

    这个插件与本站的 NodeBB 版本似乎还不兼容。目前先禁用……看看是否能尽快修复。

    最终成功的,是这个插件 nodebb-plugin-link-preview:

    下面是安华彩虹计划的一个 YouTube 视频:

  • 这儿可以有什么聊什么……

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    Yahoo! supports oAuth2. So I am trying to use the nodebb-plugin-sso-oauth2-multiple, which does not work yet.

    I believe I have configured it correctly. However, when I try to use it to register an account, I get some JSON object containing a non-descriptive error message:

    { "error":{ "localizedMessage":"not found", "errorId":"NOT_FOUND", "message":"not found" } }

    Reported the issue on GitHub. No update yet. Probably need to ask in the NodeBB Community.

    Just got the plugin updated from 1.4.1 to 1.4.2. Let's see what next.

  • Got a question? Ask away!

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  • Blog posts from individual members

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    Splunk provides CSV lookup file management functions on its web GUI, allowing new CSV files to be added in an app, deleted, or moved between apps.

    However, it does not seem to allow the same functions to be performed through API functions.

    It's REST API set has endpoints that allow a CSV file already in the staging area to be moved to an app so that it can be used as a lookup table. However, there is no way to upload a file into the staging area, which seems to be a ridiculous restriction -- although I can imagine that Splunk may have legitimate security concerns.

    This seems to be a request that others have as well.

    Link Preview Image How to upload updated lookup CSV to Splunk Cloud using REST API WITHOUT using the UI?

    We're heavy SplunkCloud users and have run into a roadblock. We have a lookup CSV file that needs to be updated daily - slowly changing customer



    Link Preview Image Creating a REST endpoint to allow csv lookup files to be uploaded/updated?

    I would like to create a REST endpoint that will allow me to to automate the uploading and updating of a csv lookup file daily. Is it possible to



    Link Preview Image How to upload lookup file using REST to specific app

    All, I am trying to manage lookup csv files using REST API. 1) I create the lookup file on the stage folder: : [1755] root@endpoint:~ # ; ls -al

